This weeks top ten theme hosted by Broke and Bookish is: Top ten words/topics that will make you NOT want to pick up a book.
(Side note: I'm writing this in a rush between yoga and a seriously needed girly catch up so best not to be on grammar watch. I'll correct it later.)
1) Wolves. Popular little critters, aren't they? They're just not my thing. Falling in love with a boy/girl who spends half their time as an over grown dog? No thank you. Not for me. In fact, pretty much any book which involves it's MC or their love interest turning into an animal half the time and being called 'Hot' is just not my slice of toast.
2) OTT Fantasy. If I read a blurb, and two lines in I'm confused, it's not for me. Don't get me wrong, I love fantasy, I just hate not being able to pronounce 98% of the names, locations etc... Make it new and interesting, sure, but leave it as simple as possible.
3) 'Fluffy'. I'm just not a summer read, swoon over the nice boy and the appropriate girl and their sweet relationship kind of girl. If the biggest obstacle in a book is the girl or boy being 'too good for me' then it's toooooo good for me. Like, too sickly sweet.
4) 'Faith books'. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the genre, I'm just not religious.
5) Broken promises. If you say the only way for the world to survive is for Jane Doe to kill her beloved John Doe then I don't want to see 'he comes back to life'. I signed on for heartache for the ultimate good.
6)Robots, cyborgs, human hybrid thingies. I saw the cover for Cinder and thought I would love it, five seconds with the blurb and I knew I was wrong. Half human, half robot is not for me.
7) Aliens. With this one I mean aliens that control the mind, take over the world. Just not for me.
8) Murder mysteries/thrillers. In general, I like. But not for Young Adult.
9) Girl hate. If you describe your main character by the girls that just hate, hate, hate her for no reason at all consider me lost to you.
10) Royalty. Kings, Queens, Princess... blah blah blah. They royal thing has never tickled my pickle. I'm just not into the corset wearing, gentle princess who side lines as a badass warrior.
There you have it. Agree? Disagree? Let me know.
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