
Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten books I wish had sequels


This weeks top ten, hosted by The broke and bookish is based on books we would love to see sequels of. 

1) Eleanor and Park - I just loved these characters far too much. I don't want to let them go. Plus I think Ia sequel based a few years in the future (maybe at College?) could work. The idea of a sequel to this both terrifies and thrills me. I would be happy with an anthology of their futures, each short a different episode in their lives... (Any of you fanfiction people take this challenge on then link me up!)

2) Mockingjay - If there was ever an award for the worst epilogue in history it would go to this book. I felt as though Collins was forced to tie the story up in a nice pretty bow, and that's why she tortured us with this epilogue. If she, or anyone else, could write me a short sequel and make it justifiable why Katniss turned her back on the very foundations of her beliefs in the epilogue then I challenge them.

3) The Perks of being a wallflower - I just love this book, and would love to catch up with the characters.

4)Forbidden - This may not count, as I kind of want a different ending rather that a sequel. Although I would love a sequel to catch up with Maya and see how she is coping.

5) Sempre - OK, so there is a sequel in the works for this one. But I want it now!

6) Easy - I just loved it, and I always want more of what I love.

7) My life next door - I presume there will be a sequel to this book. The ending kind of calls for one.

8) 1984 - Not to this book, exactly, but to the premise George Orwell created. I would love for him to write a Dystopia based in our future now. You know, if he was alive and all.

9) The Very Hungry Caterpillar - because he might be thirsty.

10) Animal Farm - Imagine an Animal Farm type sequel based around the events of the wars effecting current affairs today? Every generation should have one. Do you guys think there is a novelist today who could tackle something like this to the standard of Orwell?

So these are mine, what are yours? Be sure to comment and let me know!


  1. I love number 9- I actually chuckled out loud. I keep seeing Eleanor & Park pop up on different lists. I think I really need to read it!

  2. Ooooh I really hope there's going to be a sequel for My Life Next Door! I loved that book!

  3. Good list, I love Perks of Being a Wallflower and 1984. I agree with you about how it would be interesting to have another story set in the world of 1984.
